BATS (Blind at Sea) provides sea-based activities for Blind and visually impaired people in Cornwall.
BATS was fOUNDED in 1990 by a keen group of visually impaired people, BATS was registered as a charity in 1992 (reg. no. 1011055)
BATS is based at Mylor Yacht Harbour, Cornwall. Thanks to the generosity and support of both Mylor Harbour and Mylor Yacht Club bats have leased The Belfry’and hold most of our social events at the yacht clubs the auction room.
BATS operate a full programme of sailing events using BATS own yacht which is kept on a mooring a short walk from the Belfry.

Come and join us
All visually impaired and blind people are welcome to enjoy the delights of BATs, even if they have never been on the water before! If you are a visually impaired person and are local to Cornwall please contact us and we can arrange a sailing opportunity for you.
BATS can also help to organise transport for visually impaired members.
BATS activities are made possible by volunteers who skipper the boats and help assist Vi s and provide competent crews. Vi members have the opportunity, if they wish, to participate in all aspects of the Club, BATS welcomes all new members and volunteers. Experience is not necessary as training is available. This is provided through the Club’s own resource. Volunteers with admin/fund raising skills and willing drivers are all very welcome.
Please Support us! Donate here today……
Some of what we do…
The Club sails every Saturdays and if there is demand we can arrange extra sailing days during the week.
For the more competitive members of BATs on Friday evenings during the summer months. Up for a challenge?
Gig Rowing
Thanks to the generosity of penryn Gig club we are able to offer a gig rowing from Mylor slipway – a great team sport
The Club sails every Saturdays and if there is demand we can arrange extra sailing days during the week.
Social Events
BATs have an annual barbecue during September to celebrate the season and we also have a Christmas celebration.